Change happens. From life altering loss, to the daily adjustment of plans. Divorce, loss of employment, illness, and the periodic flat tire. There have been times in my life when change has been tough. Life has dragged me kicking and screaming into the next chapter whether I wanted to go or not. Other times change was hoped for, welcomed with open arms. Sometimes change was planned. Blood, sweat, and tears expended. Change happens. Ready, willing, or not. How you react is going to determine if it is an easy transition or if you are going to leave claw marks on the door jamb. Too many times when I had to face unwelcome change, it would become all about me. I would forget the loved ones around me that the change was also affecting. Opportunities for empathetic team work were trod underfoot, and esteems damaged. On the other hand, desired change sometimes never happened because I would simply wish for it. The effort was half-hearted or not made at all. I wanted to be able to snap my fingers and life would be different. It has been said, "Man plans and God laughs". I don't believe that is true , but it sure feels at times that it could be.
So what is the change you are facing? Is it a frustrating glitch in your day? Or is it something bigger? Are you winging your response or are you being proactive? Are you being empathetic to the other people that this change is affecting? You can do this! You may have no choice, but a positive attitude might make all the difference. You may just have to learn to change a tire.