"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air!" Ralph Waldo Emerson


Friday, March 22, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

I believe gratitude is the outward act brought about by an inner thankfulness.

     Too often I get whelmed (not over whelmed, just whelmed) by the busy-ness of life and start to fall into the "take stuff for granted mentality". I was driving with a friend the other day and he stated that he needed to stop at the store to get something for his wife. After he put up with my teasing about having a grocery list he just said that he liked to have a little gift for her when he got home. We stopped at a convenience store and I was somewhat surprised when he took a small tube of Carmex to the counter. We were in and out of the store and driving down the road within minutes. I was curious about the "gift" that he had just spent less than a buck on and finally asked him if she had bad lips. After the Ha, Ha's died, he said that her lips were great and it was just a little way to show her he was thinking about her while he was away. What a goof! Doesn't he know that a gift should be a well thought out, expensive, article of manipulation? Or at least something flashy! Geez! I probably should share this tid-bit with him at some point. He was away from her for a few days shouldn't that have qualified for some serious guilt swag for the little lady?
     The truth is he was displaying an attitude of gratitude. Once again the coach gets coached. Such a simple act that will probably have a ripple effect resonating through every aspect of his marriage. Have you visited your gratitude list lately? Who is it in your life that you need to show your thankfulness to? What simple way can you display your gratitude to your significant other, son, daughter or co-worker? It doesn't have to be a gift, it could be as simple as a love note on her mirror. Or a gesture as simple as putting your scurvy drawers into the hamper, you sick-o.

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