"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air!" Ralph Waldo Emerson


Friday, April 12, 2013

Authentic Masculinity

     Authentic masculinity is a combination of character traits, not physical attributes. The disintegration of the family unit has created several generations who are clueless about what a stable family life looks like. And the alarming absence of men who live by a disciplined code of conduct and value system (something I stuggle with daily) means that most of our young people have no clue what authentic masculinity is. Many have never seen men who function successfully as loving husbands and fathers. They’ve never seen true family men in real life and they have grown accustomed to the men in their lives being slaves to addictions, desires and instant gratification. So they simply have no choice but to define masculinity by physical qualities, such as looks, aggression and a deep voice. A skewed perception which ultimately manifests itself in their own lives in the form of the same addictions, the same aimlessness and the same justifications.
      So how can we turn it around? What are some changes that you need to make in your life so that you can begin developing authentic masculinity? Remember, you may be being watched and emulated, and that sir, is an awesome responsibility. The regret and shame that I feel as I watch my own son taking the same thorny paths that he saw me follow is at times unbearable. It is much like watching an erratic driver speeding down the interstate. You can only hope that he will slow down and that you won't come upon a crash down the road.

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