"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air!" Ralph Waldo Emerson


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Why Do Smart People Do Dumb Things?

Have you ever wondered why smart people do dumb things? Consider the floundering and moral failings we have witnessed in past elections. We typically attribute these political suicides to idiocy and yet these people are obviously intelligent. So what gives? Why does one trade all of his effort and dreams for a moment of sordid passion? Not only has adultery and sexual deviancy been front page news, we have watched as careers derailed due to greed and the perversity of power. Financial faux pas, fraud and tax evasion seem to be the order of the day. Due to the microscope they are under, politicians and celebrities "sins" are broadcast so that the entire world can smugly; roll eyes, "tut-tut", and point fingers. 

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     How does your child react if given a choice between a treat now or if he waits for three hours he can have two treats? How would you react? The willingness to toss away the bigger prize in the interest of instant gratification is a matter of emotional intelligence not cognitive intelligence. Emotions gone wild will more often than not overpower a high IQ. So how do we rein in our emotions so that we don't do dumb things? Fortunately our EQ or emotional quotient can be raised. It is simply a matter of self examination and a desire to be in control of our reactions. Here is a list of emotions to help you out. If you would like a free, no obligation coaching session email me here.