"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air!" Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Start By Starting!

“We dreamed of doing but could not bring ourselves to do.” ~ Etheridge Knight

What is it that you are putting off? What dream are you constantly visiting but can't seem to take that first step? Is it a different career? An incredible business idea? Maybe just a shift in your circumstances or a few pounds off of your belly? Whatever it is take a moment to dream about what life will look like when the dream is achieved. How will you feel? How will it affect those most important to you? Sometimes the first step is as simple as putting pen to paper and writing it down. Some people just need to turn the television off, as difficult as that is. I know there are great programs that just can't be missed, and the zombies may really start sprouting up at any moment.
     After your dream is written down, see if you can identify what it is that is keeping you from taking that first step. Do a bit of self examination and decide if this is really where you want to stay or is the dream important enough to get your buns off of the couch. Only you can decide. Only you can take that first step. Start by starting, go get that pen.

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