"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air!" Ralph Waldo Emerson


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Name That....Emotion?

An emotion is an unconscious psychological reaction to some sort of outside stimuli such as a thing, circumstance or person. If we can name the emotion we are feeling and the stimuli which caused it we can be well on our way to managing our reactions.
     This emotional awareness is the first step in overcoming and managing the reactions to whatever life is throwing at you at the time. Reactions ranging from all consuming rage to self defeating procrastination. When I owned my construction company just the thought of the paper work waiting for me in my office created such a negative emotion that I would refuse to enter for fear the monster would eat me. I was filled with such dread that when I was forced to deal with it by tax or insurance audit deadlines, the monster was huge. And yet after digging in I always found "it" was toothless and not nearly as terrifying as I had imagined. The manifestations of the emotional trauma this always caused was evident in my relationships with my family and employees as I was unaware of the underlying cause and effect that these feelings were triggering. Every three months I'm sure I garnered new nicknames from family and employees alike and they probably weren't "dumb head".
     So could just being able to name what it is we are feeling improve communication with those around us? Could being able to tell our significant other exactly how they are making us feel help to establish a boundary? Could it lead to deeper relationships with those we care most about? How about the relationships we have with our employees? Would them knowing how their hard work and loyalty fills us with happiness create an environment where they in turn are filled with positive emotions about their place of employment? Remember that boss who was a firm believer in management by intimidation? Isn't he the big reason you are self employed now? Maybe your star player will follow suit if his efforts continue to go seemingly unnoticed.
     Below is a list of emotions. When you are feeling different than you were just moments before, name that emotion. Then rate the intensity 1-10 and figure out what the cause was. Then take a moment to choose your reaction. Carefully! Unless you want a nickname like "dumb head".

Aggressive                                  Ecstatic                                     Love-struck

Aggravated                                 Elated                                        Miserable

Alienated                                    Embarrassed                            Negative

Amused                                       Enthusiastic                              Optimistic

Angry                                           Envious                                      Paranoid

Annoyed                                     Excited                                       Peaceful

Anxious                                       Exhausted                                 Proud

Apathetic                                   Fearful                                        Puzzled

Appalled                                     Frightened                                 Regretful

Awed                                          Frustrated                                   Relieved

Bashful                                       Glad                                             Sad

Blissful                                        Guilty                                           Satisfied

Bored                                          Happy                                          Shocked

Cautious                                     Helpless                                      Sorry

Cheerful                                     Hopeful                                        Sure

Confident                                  Hostile                                           Surprised

Confused                                   Humiliated                                    Suspicious

Curious                                      Hurt                                                Undecided

Delighted                                  Hysterical                                       Withdrawn

Depressed                                 Interested                                     

Determined                               Jealous

Disappointed                             joyous

Discouraged                               lonely

Disgusted                                    Loved

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