"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air!" Ralph Waldo Emerson


Monday, April 29, 2013

The Vital Few

     If you were to journal for a few months you would see that roughly 20 percent of your activity results in 80 percent of your success or failure. Wouldn't just knowing this be good reason to begin a bit of journaling? Just to see what it is you are actually spending time on? Having trouble wrapping your brain around this idea?

Start Today!
     In 1906 Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist and avid gardener, observed that 20 percent of his pea pods were responsible for 80 percent of the peas produced. His curiosity piqued he began gathering information on the land ownership in Italy and discovered that 20 percent of the population owned 80 percent of the land, and 20 percent of the people had 80 percent of the money. Now before you turn this into a Wall Street bashing, think! Where else is this principle at work? Roughly twenty percent of the population of the world read eighty percent of all the books read! And 80 percent of any companies personnel issues comes from only 20 percent of the employees. Wouldn't a company be wise to pinpoint who those people were? And by the same token couldn't the same business, knowing that 80 percent of their success is the result of 20 percent of their effort analyze what this 20 percent is?

     So what about you? Where is the Pareto Principle at work in your life? Are you taking advantage of it or is it kicking your butt? Need help? Shoot me an email with Pareto in the subject line and I will give you a FREE 30 minute coaching session.